Saturday, November 7, 2009

Olympia Film Festival

Today I went down to The Olympia Film Festival presented by the Olympia Film Society (of which I am now a card carrying member) being held at The Capitol Theater. I wanted to see every movie on the docket for today but ended up seeing three. A movie at noon, a movie at 2:30, then a 4 pm dinner at Darby's Cafe which is located directly across from the Capitol Theater. I went home for an hour or so and came back for the 7 pm movie. The noon movie was Unmistaken Child , which is a film about the search a few years ago for the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk. I was interested in the numerous scenes of remote villages that Tenzin Zopa visited on his search for the reincarnated Tibetan master.
The 2:30 movie was called
Alice. I think this is a Czechoslovakian film based on the story Alice in Wonderland. I'm going to say the jury is still out on whether I liked this movie or not. I think it would have been an excellent movie to see stoned to the bone because it was so odd and unexplainably quirky that I think it would have been a trip.
At 7pm I saw The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle by David Russo - a film maker from my home town of Seattle. I wanted to go right out and buy cookies. This was a funny and bizarre movie. It dealt with garbage and with the nature of modern day food using a squad of night janitors as a foil.

I have three movies left on my partial pass but I have not figured out which movies I will see . The film festival goes through November 14th so I have time to decide. Check it out if you're in Olympia this week.

And have a snack at Darby's. A classmate of mine works there but she was not there today. Some guy who called me "Doctor" (???) waited on me. Except for the "Doctor" thing he was a great waiter and the food was delicious.

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